There are a number of effective pathways a parent or caregiver can take to ensure good, clear communication with the highly trained professionals who look after your child at Hampton SHS.
If you are unsure who to contact or the most effective pathway to communicate with the school, please use the contact form. Your enquiry will be sent to our school email and will be directed to a staff member best qualified to assist you, whether your enquiry is of a pastoral care or academic concern.
Each Year level has a Year Coordinator who will continue through the year levels with your child as they progress through the school. Individual classroom teachers can assist you with a particular academic or classroom enquiry or the Year Coordinator can give you an overview regarding your child.
You can be put in touch with a particular learning area by filling out the above contact form and including which area you’d like to speak with in your message.
Address: Morley Drive East, MORLEY, WA 6062
Absentees: (08) 6235 7197 or SMS 0407 192 197
Reception: (08) 6235 7100