News & Events




Family Update December 12, 2024

Family update sent out to families via Compass and SMS, can also be viewed here.



High Achievers Assembly

Our High Achievers Assembly for Year 7, 8 and 9 students on Wednesday was very special.  Our awards underwent significant revision this year, to reflect our goal of providing every student with a successful pathway and ensuring that the awards were clearly linked with student and school data and outcomes.

The categories of the awards range from sporting endeavours both in and out of school, The Arts across several categories, individual student achievement across many areas as well as top performers in single learning areas, community service and values.


High Achievers Award Winners Dec 2024


Athletics Academy Award Winners 2024


Optional BYOD Program for Year 11 and 12 Students

The Hampton SHS Board, P&C and staff are delighted to announce that we are rolling out an Optional Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy in 2025 for Year 11 and 12 students only*. We have seen an increase in students in Senior School bringing their own device without the appropriate policy and process undertaken, please see the Overview and Agreement link below. We want to assure families that current and appropriate laptops will continue to be supplied to all students in classrooms who do not have their own device.

At this point in time, Year 7-10 students are not permitted to bring their own device to school.

Students must return the parent/guardian signed agreement to Hampton SHS Reception and follow the set-up information to be able to use their device in classrooms under teacher direction. The Mobile Device policy (Off and Away All Day) will be in place before school, recess and lunchtime as per current policy, with the exception of the Library where appropriate use will be allowed.

Please read the attached Hampton BYOD Year 11 & 12 Overview carefully for more detailed information.

Hampton BYOD Year 11 & 12 Overview

*Some students with diagnosed conditions requiring a laptop will also be able to put a BYOD Agreement in place as managed by Learning Support and ASD Coordinators.


Family Letter December 16, 2024



Communication with families is also shared via email, SMS, Facebook and this website.

It is vital that you notify the school with any changes to your email address and mobile number.  Details can be sent via our contact form here.



(Please use the language translator at the top of the website page to read the following in a language of your choice, or alternatively request to book an interpreter)


ChatGP information from the Department of Education, Director General Lisa Rodgers

You may have heard news reports regarding an application which can be used to create assessments and assignments.  Schools have been asked to share the following information by the Department of Education.

ChatGP information from DoE


Instrumental Music School Services (IMMS)

Thank you to those families who have expressed an interest in the IMMS program. Please click on the link to view details regarding the next step which is the testing process.

IMMS Testing Letter for Families



Student Mental Health and Wellbeing Support

As part of Hampton Senior High School’s dedication to promoting student mental health and social/emotional wellbeing.  Your child may have accessed support from the Student Services Team.  The school will be closed for the upcoming school holiday break commencing on Friday December 15 until students return on Wednesday January 31, 2024.  This letter contains a number of support options should you have concerns over the school holidays  Family support letter


Communication with families is also shared via email, SMS, Facebook and this website.

It is vital that you notify the school with any changes to your email address and mobile number.  Details can be sent via our contact form here.

Our school motto: Labor Omnia Vincit (“Hard work conquers all”)