Our School

Message from the Principal

Welcome to Hampton SHS

 Your Local School of Choice

The Hampton Senior High School Vision is to develop culturally responsive, high impact educators who foster student aspiration, innovation and achievement.

Welcome to Hampton Senior High School, where our commitment to providing a comprehensive and dynamic education for our students is our top priority. As Principal, I am proud to lead a team of dedicated educators who are passionate about fostering a positive learning environment that encourages academic excellence, personal growth, and community engagement.


Our school prides itself on a diverse range of programs and initiatives designed to support every student in reaching their full potential. We offer robust Vocational Education and Training (VET) pathways, specialised learning programs, and a strong focus on student wellbeing. Our aim is to prepare students not only for academic success but also for life beyond school, equipping them with the skills and knowledge necessary for their future careers and personal endeavours.


We believe in the importance of creating a supportive and inclusive school culture. Our Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) framework is central to promoting respectful, responsible, and resilient behaviour among students. By recognising and rewarding positive behaviour, we cultivate an environment where students feel valued and motivated to succeed.


At Hampton Senior High School, we are committed to continuous improvement and innovation in teaching and learning. Through the use of data-driven practices and the integration of technology, we strive to provide engaging and effective educational experiences for all students. Our professional development programs ensure that our teachers are well-equipped to meet the diverse needs of our students.


Community involvement is a cornerstone of our school’s ethos. We actively seek to build strong partnerships with parents, local businesses, and community organisations. These relationships enrich our students’ learning experiences and provide valuable opportunities for real-world application of their skills.


As we look to the future, we remain dedicated to fostering a culture of excellence and inclusivity. I invite you to explore our website and learn more about the exciting opportunities and programs available at Hampton Senior High School. Together, we can support our students in achieving their dreams and aspirations.


Thank you for being part of our community.

Warm regards

Tracy Griffiths
